Islamic Terrorists As Suicide Bombers Attacked Churches And Hotels On Easter Sunday

A series of Bomb attacks by Islamic terrorists killed almost 300 people and almost 600 people wounded, on Easter Sunday (21-24/04/2019) in churches and hotels in Sri Lanka.

The first explosions were reported at St. Anthony’s Church in Colombo and St. Sebastian’s in the town of Negombo just outside the capital. Another explosion at the Zion church in the town of Batticaloa.

The blasts targeted hotels, including the Shangri-La, Kingsbury and the Cinnamon Grand in Colombo.

At least 38 foreigners died, and 14 were missing. including American, British, Dutch and Portuguese citizens who were killed and Chinese and Japanese nationals who were injured.

More victims: An education publishing employee from Colorado, the three children of a Danish retail billionaire.

"Suicide bomber blew himself up at the hotel’s restaurant." - A manager at the Cinnamon Grand

A bomb discovered close to Colombo's main airport has been successfully defused.

Ranil Wickremesinghe and his government failed to take any action from the warnings about the attacks:

"information was there" (about possible attacks before bomb blasts) - Ranil Wickremesinghe (Prime Minister /UNP Leader)

Sri Lanka’s police chief made a nationwide alert 10 days earlier that suicide bombers planned to hit “prominent churches,” according to the warning seen by AFP.

An intelligence warning sent to top officers on April 11 setting out the threat.

“A foreign intelligence agency has reported that the NTJ (National Thowheeth Jama’ath) is planning to carry out suicide attacks targeting prominent churches as well as the Indian high commission in Colombo,” said the alert.

The NTJ came to notice last year when it was linked to the vandalization of Buddhist statues.

Only around six percent of mainly Buddhist Sri Lanka is Catholic.

Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka requested an immediate inquiry about a sermon that promoted violence and extremism:

"It’s shocking to note that materials capable of promoting Islamic extremism being aired by the state owned Sri Lanka Broad Casting Cooperation’s Tamil National Service in its Muslim Program. A sermon that promoting violence and extremism by a Moulavi known as Ali Ahamed Rashadhi was broadcast in the Muslim Program of SLBC Tamil National Service on 21.01.2019 Monday morning around 9.40. The sermon aired on SLBC was promoting violence, extremism and war and that was capable of provoking not only students and youths, but also capable of provoking more matured Muslims. The speech highly praised killing others for the sake of Islam, sacrificing lives for Islam, planning and waging wars, plotting for murder and praising martyrs. We request an immediate inquiry in to the matter as how such sermon was permitted to be aired by state owned SLBC." - CEMSL (28-01-2019)

Islamist Extremist Material Aired on National Radio – Demanding an Immediate Inquiry:

Does Islam encourage terrorism?

Amber Pawlik (November 20, 2010): "we can say that the percentage of the Koran that deals with hatred aimed at infidels is somewhere between 45.8%
and 59.6%."

106/201 (52.7%) is hatred aimed at infidels:
50/201 (24.9%) deals with believers:
23/201 (11.4%) deal with Allah:
10/201 (5%) deal with the Day of Doom or the Day of Judgment:
4/201 (2%) are anti-woman:
4/201 (2%) deal with giving to the poor in some way
2/201 (1%) deal with some kind of Muslim custom or etiquette, for instance:
1/201 (0.5%) Disapproves of a man who murdered someone, for it was for the wrong reason to kill someone.
1/201 (0.5%) says it is OK for people to have their religion while Muslims have theirs.
Source:  "Islam on Trial: The Prosecution's Case - Amber Pawlik, November 20, 2010"

Some individuals do terrorist activities, but "organized terrorist groups" have more foundations. However, still most Muslims don't question these statements:
i.) "We should stop associating Islam with terrorism"
ii.) “The religion of Islam can by no means countenance terrorism."

Did you know that after the migration to Medinah, Muslims took part in 62 raids and battles in 10 years under the leadership of Muhammad. That translates to the Muslim army taking part in a new raid or battle every ~2 months. Muhammad personally took part in 27 raids and battles. He dispatched another 38 raiding parties. Out of the total of 62 only 3 - 5 raids or battles show Muslims fighting in self defense and the enemy taking the initiative to fight. That means 92 to 95% of the battles were proactive attacks where Muhammad and the Muslim army took the initiative. The more you read Muhammad's seerah, the more you realise why he said "I have been made victorious with terror (bukhari/56/186)"

The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague (ICCT):

"One way to approach this issue is to imagine a series of concentric circles, starting from a very small, violence-prone extremist jihadist core to more peaceful Muslims (Briefly):

1.) Jihadist Muslims: "in the innermost circle are the revolutionary and often terrorist, predominantly Sunni Salafist ‘jihadists’."

2.) Islamist Muslims: "These proponents of ‘political Islam’ may not practice violence themselves but often adhere to the same, or a similar, fundamentalist and exclusivist ideology as the jihadist terrorists. They make no distinction between the religious and political sphere in society and want to spread and impose Islamic law by opposing non-believers and apostates to make Islam rule supreme."

3.) Conservative Muslims: "These ‘conservatives’ form the majority of Muslims in countries. Conservative Muslims in these states are sometimes also called‘traditional Muslims’."

4.) Pluralist Muslims: "They include ‘modern Muslims’, ‘cultural Muslims’, ‘sociological Muslims’, ‘liberal Muslims’, ‘reformist Muslims’, ‘progressive Muslims’, ‘Western Muslims’, ‘Muslim democrats’ and the ‘Muslim left’."

Countries with more than 50% of Muslims Favouring Making Sharia the Official Law in their Country (Pew, 2013)"

Inside the Terrorist Mind:
1.) "Most terrorists are not mentally ill; rather they rationally weigh the costs and benefits of their actions and conclude that terrorism is profitable."
2.) "Of course, not all terrorists come from financially and socially solid backgrounds. When Israeli social scientists conducted postmortem profiles of 93 Palestinian suicide bombers, aged 17 to 22, the scientists found that the bombers had been uniformly uneducated, unemployed and unmarried." - Annette Schaefer on December 1, 2007

"Some Muslim thinkers attempted to justify modern science on religious grounds. Their motivation was to encourage Muslim societies to acquire modern knowledge and to safeguard their societies from the criticism of Orientalists and Muslim intellectuals." - wikipedia

Major scientific errors in Quran:
1.) "One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the EARTH as a LEVEL STRETCH," - Verse (18:47) (Sometimes Muslims make fake translations. Check all the real translations of this verse: Quran 79:30. You can't find the word 'egg' in any translation. It can only mean “And after that He spread the earth.” And another translation says 'He flattened it (earth).')
2.) "Till, when he (the traveller Zul-qarnain) reached the setting-place of the SUN, he found it GOING DOWN into a MUDDY SPRING…" (Quran 18:86)
The same error in Hebrew Bible: "And the sun rises and sets and returns to its place. [Ecclesiastes 1:5])
Similar details in Hebrew Bible: "The sun sets in the sky (in the west) and returns by the northeast in order to go to the east; it is guided so that it shall reach the eastern gate and shine in the face of the sky" (1 Enoch 72:2-5).

"I saw the ultimate ends of the earth which rests on the heaven. And the gates of heaven were open, and I saw how the stars of heaven come out..." (1 Enoch 33:1-2).
3.) "Indeed, We have adorned the NEAREST HEAVEN with an adornment of STARS" (Quran 37:6) (*"made the MOON a light in their MIDST" - Quran 71/15-16 (MIDST in SEVEN HEAVENS!))
Flat earth in Islam:
Flat earth in Bible (including Hebrew Bible):

Some Muslims make fabrications using some irrelevent and very small verses in Quran:
1.) "I do SWEAR by the receding stars" (Quran 81/15-16)
Fabrication: "receding stars" are Black Holes or Dark Matter. 
*But they didn't know about Black Holes and Dark Matter to SWEAR about it.
2.) "We have made the heavens with Our own hands and We expanded it." (Quran 51:47)
Fabrication: Expanded the GALAXIES.
*GALAXIES ARE ACCELERATING, but it is a scientific requirement to make another Big Bang (A NATURE OF A WAVE).
Hebrew bible said this first: “...with my right hand I formed the EXPANSE of the sky [shamayim]...” (Isaiah 48:13).
“I, with my own hands, STRETCHED out the heavens [shamayim] and caused all their host to shine...” (Isaiah 45:12).
"who STRETCHES out the heavens all alone, who spreads abroad the earth by Myself" (Isaiah 44:24)

3.) "heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing?(Quran 21/30)
Fabrication: The separation of the earth and heavens was the Big Bang.
*If it says about a beginning then there were many Gods (we?) in the beginning. But the Earth formed 9.2 billion years after the Big Bang.

Hebrew bible said this first: "He who formed you from the womb; I am the Lord, who makes all things, who stretches out the heavens all alone, who spreads abroad the earth by Myself" (Isaiah 44:24).

The Earth is spherical, and it is not a circle. But some followers of the Bible punished and killed some people when they tried to tell that the shape of the Earth is spherical.

“circle of the earth,” (Isaiah 40:22)
“four corners of the earth,”  (see Isaiah 11:12)
“ends of the earth,” (Proverbs 30:4)

The “circle” is that the word (Hebrew root chug) does not mean “sphere” but rather refers to a circle or sometimes a dome. A circle is flat like a disc or a dinner plate. Those who hold to the “scientific secrets” approach often think “sphere” then they hear “circle.” 
The word (chug) is used once as a verb in Job 26:10: “He has inscribed a circle on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness” (ESV). If one looks at the earth from space, there is indeed a circular boundary between light and darkness. If one is looking out at the sea, the horizon does appear to be circular.
There is no “circle” drawn on the sea, but there is a horizon that has a circular appearance as one looks out on the sea. 
“When he established the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle on the face of the deep” (Proverbs 8:27)
Isaiah 40:22 says, “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.” Even if “circle of the earth” is taken literally in this verse, it does not say that the earth is a sphere.

No punishment for leaving Islam in Sri Lanka.  
Don't force anyone.

Learn more about Islam from Ex-Muslims:

Combating Terrorism with Science:

Quran doesn't talk about evolusion. (Modern Genetics Confirms Evolution | Evolution: Genetic Evidence | LIFE AFTER DINOSAURS:

"A relatively large fraction of people accept human evolution in Kazakhstan (79%) and Lebanon (78%), but relatively few in Afghanistan (26%), Iraq (27%), and Pakistan (30%)" - wikipedia (Islamic_attitudes_towards_science)

The Shape Of The Earth, Solar Systems, Block Holes And Galaxies In Buddhism:

1.) When it is midday on the continent of Jambudvīpa, the sun is setting on the continent of Pūrvavideha in the east and rising above the continent of [Apara]godānīya in the west, while it is midnight on the continent of Uttarakuru in the north. When it is midday in [Apara]godānīya, the sun is setting in Jambudvīpa and rising in Uttarakuru, while it is midnight in [Pūrva]videha. When it is midday in Uttarakuru, the sun is setting in [Apara]godānīya and rising in [Pūrva]videha, while it is midnight in Jambudvīpa. When it is midday in [Pūrva]videha, the sun is setting in Uttarakuru and rising in Jambudvīpa, while it is midnight in [Apara]-godānīya. Here when Jambudvīpa is in the east [at sunrise], [Pūrva]videha is in the west. If Jambudvīpa is in the west [at sunset], [Pūrva]videha is in the east. If [Apara]godānīya is in the west, Uttarakuru is in the east. If Uttarakuru is in the west, [Apara]godānīya is in the east. (Page #: 295-296

2.) "Between every three world systems there is one world interval, which is like the space in the middle of three cart wheels or petals placed so that they touch one another. This world-interval hell (lokahtafikanirayo) measures eight thousand yojanas in size.'"(Anguttara Nikaya 819)
(*It sounds like that there are minimum 3 Habitable Solar Systems in a Galaxy around a Black Hole)

"Even in those world intervals, vacant and abysmal, regions of gloom and impenetrable darkness where the light of the sun and moon, so powerful and mighty, does not reach,819 there too a measureless glorious radiance becomes manifest, surpassing the divine majesty of the devas." (Anguttara Nikaya 127 (1))

3.) "A world that is a thousand times a thousandfold minor world system is called a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system. 514 (3) A world that is a thousand times a thousand-to-the-second-power middling world system is called a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system. Ananda, the Tathagata can convey his voice as far as he wants in a thousand-to-the-third-power great world system." - The Tathagata (The Buddha) (Anguttara Nikaya The Numerical Discourse 277 |Page:314)

4.) "All of the great universe [that comprises many thousands of middle and small universes] undergoes the cycle of creation and destruction, and each locality where sentient beings reside is called a buddha land (buddha-kṣetra)." (LengthyDiscourses Page: 152)

"Between every three world systems there is one world interval," - WORLD INTERVAL in Buddhism sounds like a Black Hole. 

Buddha said about a "thousandfold minor world system" too. It sounds like a galaxy with around 1000 world systems. So if a 3 world systems make a WORLD INTERVAL then 1000 world systems can make a LARGE WORLD INTERVAL like a Black Hole. 'ABYSMAL, IMPENETRABLE DARKNESS' mentions a Black Hole. If there are only 3 Buddhist World Systems (including Brahma worlds) in a Galaxy then a WORLD INTERVAL can make a Black Hole with the forces of other Solar Systems in a Galaxy. Buddhist explanaitons about Black Holes, Galaxies, and Unverse are much better than irrelevent verses and fabrications in other religions.

Some sick believers still say that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. There is a Good Islam for Good Muslims and a Bad Islam for Bad Muslims. Islam encourage terrorism, and it is clear, so don't let Muslims to reject it and never accept their lie.

All the believers and others should understand that if some sick believers behave worse than animals, we should do our best to keep them away from us as same as we do it with animals. 

"You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog," Ven. Wirathu said, referring to Muslims. 

Some individuals do terrorist activities on few personal reasons, but "organized terrorist groups" have strong foundations based on extremism.

"Give a label or a certificate to businesses of Muslims to confirm that they don't practice or support any kind of Islamic extremism and terrorism. It will help both Muslims and others to deal with Muslims."

Promote Ex-Muslims to help Muslims leave Islam:

Sri Lanka is fortunate to have this "Council of Ex-Muslims" in Sri Lanka". Learn more about Islamic extremism from their educational posts: 

Maybe most Ex-Muslims are not believers, but they are much better human beings than most Islamic believers.

If you are a human being, then any other major religion is better for you than Islam. If you think you are a Human, and if you like to follow Islam, then learn about other religions too, but learn it from Non-Muslims. Islam teach Muslims how to kill animals, but sometimes it is a training to kill humans. So be aware about the things Muslims tell you about Islam and other religions.

Convert Muslims from Islam to Christianity or Buddhism to stop violence around the world to protect Non-Muslims and  Ex-Muslims.

Other updates:
India Today Web Desk - New Delhi - May 1, 2019:
Two of Sri Lanka's major cable TV operators, Dialogue and SLT, have removed controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik's Peace TV from their channel list.

The move came after the deadly Easter Sunday bombings which killed at least 250 people. However, the Sri Lankan government hasn't banned the controversial Peace TV.

Previously, India and Bangladesh had banned the channel founded by Zakir Naik.

Bangladesh suspended the channel that featured Zakir Naik's preachings after media reported that militants who attacked a Dhaka cafe in 2016 were his admirers.


Zakir Naik is wanted by the National Investigative Agency (NIA) on charges of propagating terrorism. His Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) organisation was been banned for five years.

Meanwhile, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Monday arrested Riyas Aboobacker, alias Abu Dujana, who was believed to be planning to carry out suicide attacks in Kerala.

Islamic Terrorism in Myanmar:
Myanmar Rohingya Muslim militants massacred Hindus, :
The investigation suggests that a massacre of Hindu men, women, and children in Ye Bauk Kyar happened on the same day, bringing the estimated total number of dead to 99.

'Mass Hindu grave' found in Myanmar's Rakhine state. (Muslim Rohingya militants of killing 28 Hindu villagers whose bodies were allegedly found in a mass grave.):

Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) – mounted coordinated attacks on 30 police posts and an army base in the north of Myanmar’s Rakhine state,

Organized Islamic Terrorists in Myanmar:

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