Good English videos about Buddhism

There is another important thing which many people don't know much about. That is the process of our life. 1. Awidya 2. Samkara : 3. Vijnana 4. Nama rupa : 5. Sadayatana 6. Sparsa 7. Vedana 8. Tresna 9. Upadana 10. Bhava 11. Jati 12. Jara Marana And Most Importantly the process of the Sparsa (Touch) on the combination of 3,4, and 5 which create Vedana (feelings) and then makes Chethana (Intentions)/Karma. Samkara is a Karmic heat which fuel 4 (Cosmic Data and Materials) and 5 (Body parts) to arise Vijnana/Vingnana which touch again with 4 and 5 to make Chethana (Intentions)/ New Karma.

Theravada vs Mahayana

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