Muslims start fighting with infidels! (?), and make reasons to kill -- Islam can influence terrorists

Muslims of the world want to destroy Infidels

Failed suicide bomber interview


The Islamic State (Full Length)

ISIS Spokesman Calls on Muslims in the West to Kill Americans, Europeans, Australians, Canadians

A part from the video: 
"Whether the infidel is a civilian or a soldier, the ruling is the same. Soldiers and civilians are combatant infidels and it is permissable to take their lives and their property... in Islam blood is inviolable when protected by iman, while the killing of infidels is permissible. The lives and property of Muslims are inviolable, while it is permissible for the Muslims to take the property of the infidels. The killing of infidels is permissible. Like the killing of a dog it carries no sin...

If you cannot obtain a bomb or bullets, target the infidel directly...smash his head in with a rock, slit his neck with a knife, run him over with your car, throw him to his death from a great height, strange him or posion him. If you cannot do that, burn down his house, his car, his business, or destroy his crops. If you cannot do even that, at least spit in his face."

ISIS Sex-Slave Raping & Selling Girls (Full Documentary)

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