Suresh Wanayalaege
you are always asking stupid questions. I already told you that I'm a Buddhist. Original Buddhism is Theravada Buddhism, So learn about Theravada Buddhism first. Then you will know it. I can't explain it to you again and again..
Artificial Intelligence
I asked this question as stupid from an Intelligent. Basically, Buddhism is contradictory relegion. (There is no god created this universe) Atheism + ( There are gods in paradise) Polytheism.
Artificial Intelligence
You are not following 4 noble truth & 8 fold path then, Why you are saying "I'm Buddhist"????
What is Atheism?
Atheism is the absence of belief in any Gods or spiritual beings. The word Atheism comes from a, meaning without, and theism meaning belief in god or gods.
Artificial Intelligence
One of My Srilankan friend sent me to show you.බෝවත්තේ ඉන්ද්රරතන හිමියන් තම ජීවිතය පුජා කරමින් ඉල්ලීම් කිහිපයක් රජය හා රට ඉදිරියේ තැබූ සේක. උන්වහන්සේගේ ආදාහන උත්සවය ඇමතු බහුතරයක් විසින් රැස්ව සිටි පිරිස වෙත පවසා සිටි කරුණු අතුරින් වඩාත් වැදගත් තැනක් ගත්තේ ගව ඝාතනයයි. මෙය ආගම්වාදී හා වර්ගවාදී දේශපාලනයට ද ඉතාම සංවේදී සටන් පාඨයක් බව අප සැවොම ඉතා හොඳින් දන්නා කරුණකි. මෑතකදී එක් කණ්ඩායමක් විසින් හලාල් මාතෘකාව පදනම් කරගෙන අති විශාල වාර්ගික පිළිකුලක් ඇති කරන්නට කටයුතු කරන ලදී. මෙහිදී වඩාත් කැපී පෙනුණු සාධකය වුයේ බුදු දහම හා සිංහල ජාතිය ආරක්ෂා කිරීම කඩතුරාවක් කරගෙන දහමේ නාමයෙන් මුසාවාදය වපුරා වාර්ගික කොටස් අතරේ වෛරය හා ක්රෝධය ඇති කොට තම ජන පදනම ගොඩ නගා ගැනීමට කටයුතු කිරීමයි.
- More:
- Suresh Wanayalaege
I'll reply to u after few month.. I'm busy these days.. Simple answer is you don't know about Buddhism. Heavens are worlds around our planets. Those heavens have levels on gravity of our earth and sun. Those Gods are just another type of living being who have high powers. no one created them. Mind create everything. Mind also created on causes and effects of this universe. Universes are like waves. One Big Bang is one aeon. There were countless aeons and there will be. Some heavens also become destroyed every aeon, and they form again ( I guess your prophet copied it from Buddhism.
Your friend want to kill animals, and he wants to justify his religion, and he just try to find reasons to insult Buddhists. He try to justify killing because some people don't treat animals well. Both are bad, but unfortunately, he don't understand that. If he want to kill animal it's ok, but I can't do it.
Please don't send more details, I'll reply you few months later.
- Artificial Intelligence
1. Mind also created on causes and effects of this universe[who created causes and effects???]
2. I guess your prophet copied it from Buddhism[ could u show evidence for it??]
3. Your friend want to kill animals, and he wants to justify his religion, and he just try to find reasons to insult Buddhists.[in Sri Lanka by Sinhala-Buddhist can kill Tamils & Some Muslims in the name of Race, Why tamils & Muslims can't kill animals for food? - Artificial Intelligence
Now maybe some people will say, “You’re getting more and more far out—you called killing animals killing, and now you’re saying killing plants is killing, too.” But that’s the truth. In Buddhism they talk about the cycle of rebirth, and about how you could turn into a plant when you reincarnate. That’s what’s said in Buddhism, at least. We don’t put it that way, but I will tell you that trees are alive too, and they’re not just alive, they have sophisticated thinking. I’ll give you an example. There’s someone in the United States who specializes in electronics research, and he teaches people how to use polygraphs. One day he was struck by a sudden inspiration and connected the two electrodes of a polygraph to a dragon plant. Then he watered its roots. After doing that he discovered that the needle of the polygraph quickly drew a type of curve, the same type of curve, it turns out, that’s generated by a human brain when it has an impulse stimulus. He was stunned, how could plants have emotions! He almost wanted to go out and shout in the streets, “Plants have emotions!” With the inspiration he got from all this, he soon opened up this field of research and did lots and lots of experiments.
There was one time when he put two plants together and asked one of his students to stomp one plant to death in front of the other one. Then he moved the other plant into a room, hooked it up to a polygraph, and asked five of his students to come in one at a time. When the first four students came in there wasn’t any response. But when the fifth student came in, the one who had stomped on the other plant, before he even got close, the needle right away started to quickly draw the kind of curves you see when a person is scared. He was amazed! It tells us something big: we’ve always thought that human beings are higher creatures, that they have sensory abilities, that they’re able to tell things apart, and that they can analyze things because they have a brain—so how come plants can tell things apart? Wouldn’t that mean they’ve got sensory organs? Before, if somebody said that plants had sensory organs, the ability to think, and emotions, or could recognize people, folks would have said he was full of blind belief. And it’s not just limited to this, in some ways it seems like plants surpass us people today. One day he hooked a plant up to a polygraph and thought to himself, “What experiment should I do? I’ll burn off its leaves and see what reaction it has.” With just that thought—before he even did it—the needle quickly drew the type of curve you see only when somebody is crying for help and his life’s in danger. That supersensory ability, which has been called telepathy, is a human being’s innate ability, it’s an instinct. But today’s human race is degenerating. So you have to cultivate them from scratch, return to your original, true self, and return to your original nature—that’s the only way you can have them. Yet plants have them, they know what you’re thinking. - Artificial Intelligence
you are in Blind of Belief, which is created from the people, who converted from Hinduism to Buddhism.[ this is you are saying Buddhism, But Buddha was an Intelligent] - Suresh Wanayalaege
I'll give u complete answers later, I told u I'm a busy person.
According to Buddhism, trees are houses for life. It is like a big body without a permanent life, but it can facilitate one or more than one living being. it is like possession. There are Ghostly or Godly spirits inside trees as same as some many insects. Humans can't usually go from one body to another, but some spirits who lives in trees can move from one tree to another. u can understand it from this example: when a new body is being created inside the womb of a mother many spirits can come to own that body, but that spirits can see and feel without using the body parts of the developing baby. And hypnosis evidence shows that they can feel thoughts of there father and mother too. But the body is not fully developed for that spirits so sometimes the spirits leave that body on many reasons. But we have to understand that we are not eating large trees, and complex trees, where some living being can live many years fully attached to those trees. We eat small trees, so we can take those small trees as a undeveloped body where there are not enough organs to facilitate to a living being and it those small trees (bodies without a permanent living being inside) don't live much longer, it doesn't have enough time to attach living beings. However Buddha or his Bikkus (Theros/Monks) didn't cut any tree, but normal people are allowed to cut trees, because Buddha gave us middle way path to attain Nirvana, Buddha is not an extremist, so he used most appropriate ways to teach people to live and attain Nirvana.
I converted from Roman Catholic to Buddhism, not from Hinduism to Buddhism.
/// I don't feel pain when I cut nails, because that is not much sensitive like skin. So it is not much bad to kill trees to live than killing highly sensitive animals.. ///
- Suresh Wanayalaege
1.) I'll try to explain briefly about the causes and effects. But those explanations are my own explanations, and it is a highly possible explanation, so you can't reject it if you can understand it.
What is the universe?Imagine a place infinitely far away from our earth. Do you think that such place exist or not?There can be three possibilities:1. There are 'space'.2. There are 'no space'.3. There are both 'space' and 'no space'.What is 'space' and 'no space'?those are waves. 'space' is going to 'no space' therefor 'no space' behaves like a ware, like a light wave.Those 'no space' waves joins together and makes black holes (basic matter), which pulls the space and that is what which we call gravity, in which the 'no space' waves and those combined 'no spaces' (black holes) change it's speed, and create different forms of materials.How materials created?Materials are 'no spaces'. There is no space inside those materials, so the space moves into that no space, but never filled because both 'space' and 'no space' just move from one place to another because both 'space' and 'no space' exists at the same time, because this universe is unlimited. Those possibilities, existence and non existence (space and no space) combined together because 'only existence' or 'only non existence' is not possible to exist for an unlimited universe, because there is no one (Almighty God) to create existence (space), universe needs 'non existence' (no space) to manifest (to balance the zero and infinity).How atoms created?Atoms are just 5% from the material of the universe, so it is just a side effect of the big bang. There are many other type of materials which we have not discovered yet.However, What created the atom?What happened when the big bang? many 'no space' (particles) moved very faster while that explosion. That was the reason to create the atom. large particles can't move faster (around speed of light), because that can break those large particles into small particles. That is what happened. Big bang created many different particles. What is the size of a largest particle which can move speed of light? (in my opinion) That is the 'electron'. Electron is the creator of an atom. Electron was the largest particle which moved faster and which didn't break into more small particles like light waves.How electron created an atom?Electron particle is the largest 'no space' combination which could move in the speed of light without breaking into more pieces. space is moving to 'no space', so an electron (a group of no space) has some gravity to pull space while moving faster, but because it moves faster it didn't easily combined with another particle, but it could attract particles on it's gravity while moving, but the amount of particles it could attract was limited to it's gravity, that limit was the size of a proton. Even it started from electrons, but both happened at the same time, While the electrons were attracting, some large particles which didn't reach the speed of light (around the size of a proton) attracted electron size particles from it's gravity. And the size of the proton limited to the gravity of the electron, and the size of an electron depended on the power of the explosion (big bang). It caused proton to limit to the size of it, which depended on the gravity of an electron.Every particle is waving on the interaction between space and no space. We know the electron is waving too, but space makes protons to move like waves too. We know that every particle in the free space going around something, that happens because the space is pulling them like a wave. If a particle doesn't move like a wave, then it moves to a direction. So the proton was also waving and moving to a direction, and it moves till it find something to go around it, like our earth and other planets found our son to move around to balance the interaction of the space. particles/matters can behave like a wave by joining them together or going around each other. So at the beginning of the universe there were small particles which created from the big bang which proton found to move around it to stop moving to an one direction, and to move around them which caused to protect another particle which we call neutrons. That size of the neutron limited to the gravity of the proton. so then the speed of the proton which moved with an electron stopped after creating neutron from the gravity of the proton. So after the proton was created by an electron, the extra gravity of the proton could attract more particles from the particle zoo of the big bang which helped to create a neutron, to complete the a less waving combination (atom) from those particles. But atoms was still waving due to it's capacity to hold electrons, and atoms still have some extra gravity on it's size, so atoms have to attract other atoms to stop waving and moving.Black holes are pure 'no spaces' in the universe.Some stars became black holes too. Till that became pure 'no spaces' they are mixed with 'space' and 'no space'Gravity is: space moving to no space as an interaction of the universe.I just tried to explain it briefly. If you can understand it you can understand the existence of this universe, which has no start and no end. You don't want a creator to create the creator, but you want a creator to create the universe. No need to create this universe. universe not started from the big bang. you have to define universe to understand the universe. If you take universe as the materials we see, that is just only one universe, then we can say there are unlimited universes, which depends on waving between space and no space.As discovered, universe is accelerating, because universes are like waves. Our time will not move faster few billion years later. Then it will reach the end of the wave cycle, then all the materials (destroyed stars) will come back and touch each other to make another big bang.
2.) If u study every religion you will find the things in Quran which copied from many other religions.
- Today
- Artificial Intelligence
If u study every religion you will find the things in Quran which copied from many other religions. [prophet muhammad not educated person & he can't read arabic(his mother language) as well so, how can he copy from other religious books while other religious books are corrupted state. - Artificial Intelligence
* However Buddha or his Bikkus (Theros/Monks) didn't cut any tree [so, what they ate????}
* There are Ghostly or Godly spirits inside trees as same as some many insects[is this scientifically proved? or imagination stories] - Artificial Intelligence
Those possibilities, existence and non existence (space and no space) combined together because 'only existence' or 'only non existence' is not possible to exist an unlimited universe, because there is no one (Almighty God) to create existence (space), universe needs 'non existence' to manifest (to balance the zero and infinity)
Answer; My first question to the atheist will be: "What is the definition of God?" For a person to say there is no God, he should know what is the meaning of God. If I hold a book and say that ‘this is a pen’, for the opposite person to say, ‘it is not a pen’, he should know what is the definition of a pen, even if he does not know nor is able to recognise or identify the object I am holding in my hand. For him to say this is not a pen, he should at least know what a pen means. Similarly for an atheist to say ‘there is no God’, he should at least know the concept of God. His concept of God would be derived from the surroundings in which he lives. The god that a large number of people worship has got human qualities - therefore he does not believe in such a god. Similarly a Muslim too does not and should not believe in such false gods.
If a non-Muslim believes that Islam is a merciless religion with something to do with terrorism; a religion which does not give rights to women; a religion which contradicts science; in his limited sense that non-Muslim is correct to reject such Islam. The problem is he has a wrong picture of Islam. Even I reject such a false picture of Islam, but at the same time, it becomes my duty as a Muslim to present the correct picture of Islam to that non-Muslim i.e. Islam is a merciful religion, it gives equal rights to the women, it is not incompatible with logic, reason and science; if I present the correct facts about Islam, that non-Muslim may Inshallah accept Islam.Similarly the atheist rejects the false gods and the duty of every Muslim is to present the correct concept of God which he shall Insha Allah not refuse.Francis Bacon, the famous philosopher, has rightly said that a little knowledge of science makes man an atheist, but an in-depth study of science makes him a believer in God. Scientists today are eliminating models of God, but they are not eliminating God. If you translate this into Arabic, it is La illaha illal la, There is no god, (god with a small ‘g’ that is fake god) but God (with a capital ‘G’).Surah Fussilat:"Soon We will show them our signs in the (farthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?"[Al-Quran 41:53] - Artificial Intelligence
CONCEPT OF GOD in Buddhism
Buddha was silent about the existence or non-existence of God. It may be that since India was drowned in idol worship and anthropomorphism that a sudden step to monotheism would have been drastic and hence Buddha may have chosen to remain silent on the issue of God. He did not deny the existence of God. Buddha was once asked by a disciple whether God exists? He refused to reply. When pressed, he said that if you are suffering from a stomach ache would you concentrate on relieving the pain or studying the prescription of the physician. "It is not my business or yours to find out whether there is God – our business is to remove the sufferings of the world".
Buddhism provided Dhamma or the ‘impersonal law’ in place of God. However this could not satisfy the craving of human beings and the religion of self-help had to be converted into a religion of promise and hope. The Hinayana sect could not hold out any promise of external help to the people. The Mahayana sect taught that Buddha’s watchful and compassionate eyes are on all miserable beings, thus making a God out of Buddha. Many scholars consider the evolution of God within Buddhism as an effect of Hinduism.Many Buddhists adopted the local god and thus the religion of ‘No-God’ was transformed into the religion of ‘Many-Gods’ – big and small, strong and weak and male and female. The ‘Man-God’ appears on earth in human form and incarnates from time to time. Buddha was against the caste-system prevalent in the Hindu society. - Artificial Intelligence
eventually, i would like to tell one thing; you are not a real Buddhist [until u following 4 noble truth & 8 fold path]
if it is difficult abandon buddhism, it means you indirectly accepted that buddhism is difficult for human society.[not relevant for life] - Today
- Suresh Wanayalae
Buddhism is for intelligent people. Not for idiots.
And it is a practice, which can last more than one life..
Majority Buddhist are just trying to go to a heaven to complete the practice. You don't know the requirements to go to heaven. I know the requirements and I follow those steps. I don't kill as Muslims and I follow the Eight fold path very well. You are just a big idiot. - Suresh Wanayalae
You don't have enough intelligence to understand my explanation about the universe. Learn about Matter and Antimatter. I call matter: "No Space". I call Antimatter: "Space". I know that you will never understand it. But If you want to know about 'Space' and 'No space' You can mind more about it from this video: - Suresh Wanayalae
My theory about "Space" and "No Space" is similar to that theory of the co-existence of "Matter" with "Antimatter". If you want to learn more watch this video: Master Of The Universe Stephen Hawking Episode 1 - Suresh Wanayalae
Muslims also reincarnate, that is a truth. Just dream your heaven, but you will never end suffering: Young Muslim Girl Reincarnated - Suresh Wanayalae
Evolution is happening. Humans also changed on evolution. Genes of some Australians changed on evolution: - Suresh Wanayalae
An overwhelming majority of the scientific community accepts evolution as the dominant scientific theory of biological diversity. Nearly every scientific society, representing hundreds of thousands of scientists, has issued statements rejecting intelligent design and a petition supporting the teaching of evolutionary biology was endorsed by 72 US Nobel Prize winners. Additionally, US courts have ruled in favor of teaching evolution in science classrooms, and against teaching creationism. professor and author Brian Alters, states that "99.9 percent of scientists accept evolution".[25] A 1991 Gallup poll found that about 5% of American scientists (including those with training outside biology) identified themselves as creationists. "Ahmadiyya" Muslim Movement Accept Evolution. 45% American Muslims accept evolution. (
The level of support for evolution among scientists, the public and other groups is a topic that frequently arises in the creation-evolution controversy and touches on educational, religious, philosophical, scientific and political issues. The subject is primarily contentious in the United States. H… - Suresh Wanayalae
(1.) 97.3% of Biological Sciences department heads accept there is no scientific controversy over evolution. 2.) Only 700 out of 480,000 earth and life scientists (0.14%) subscribe to literal biblical creationism. 3.) Acceptance of evolution tends to increase with level of education.
Acceptance of evolution, of course, refers to the number of people, or the type of people who accept that the diversity of life can be explained by evolution by natural selection. Some people sometimes say that they "believe" in evolution, but generally this isn't the right word; belief implies fait… - Suresh Wanayalae
You prophet didn't have mental powers, but Buddha had very powerful mental powers. Buddha could levitate, and he could read and influence mind, he could see past and the future. he could understand the process of Karma, and he could take humans to heavens with him. he healed big injuries of some Monks and lay people. He had around 18 senses. Buddha could see anywhere from his mind. You are just following some words of human beings. Those Arabic people made quaran to control the world mentally. You just want a religion to do everything you like to do. Buddhists are going against the stream. This person can read and influence mind and he believes in Karma too: - Suresh Wanayalae
There are lot of scientific errors in quaran: Scientific Errors in the Qur'an and there are many more..
Muslims believe that the Qur'an contains a message from an all-powerful, all-knowing, infallible being. If this is true then it should not contain any errors, mistakes, or information that contradicts known facts about the universe. If even one error exists in the text of Islam's holy book then the… - Suresh Wanayalae
Our space may not empty as some people think, we are always moving away since the big bang, so we are recording our history. We can store lot of data inside a MicroSD Memory card, so how much data we can write on space!. Over words might change not only our ear base, but also the fabric of the universe. If we are writing our Karma on the space, this is how it happens: our solar system is a vortex - Suresh Wanayalae
Distance to the Sun from the Earth is larger than the distance of the Moon to the earth. Distance of to another star from our Sun is larger than the distance from the Sun to the Earth. Distance to the center of the Galaxy is larger than the distance to a another Star from the Sun. Distance of a Galaxy to another Galaxy is larger than the distance from the Center of the Galaxy to a Star. Distance from a Universe (Big bang area) to another Universe (Another big bang area) is larger than the distance from a galaxy to another galaxy. So it is difficult to see other universes around us. That doesn't mean the don't exist. This video is about Many Universes: - Suresh Wanayalae
Muslims always kill other people to control the world. But Muslims don't understand that we all have our own worlds. Muslims every day kill other people to control the world, Yesturday they killed 12 Paris people, but you don't shy to tell me about your religion today. According to Buddhism there are people/spirits who don't like Buddhism. we call them the people of the Mara. They just want fun. They suffer in hell and once they understand the impermanence then they change their mind. I don't think you will understand my arguments, but there are many Catholics and Hindus who can understand the truth. And I know a Muslim girl who like Buddhism. And there are some Muslims who like Buddhism and they converted to Buddhism from their mind, because some Muslims are like Satan who are hungry to kill Converted Muslims (apostates). Muslims can never be a friend of a non-Muslim because of some teaching of Islam. But there are Muslims who don't know those teaching and they ignore those teachings. But the creators of Islam just used the teachings of the other religions to create a new religion, but now they say that it is the best. But there are very bad teachings in Quaran which proves that there is not an Almighty God for sure. Jesus told that he is the son of God, but Islam says that there is not Sons for Gods, so Jesus lied, but Islam says that Jesus was a prophet too, so Mohammed lied too, because he accept that prophets tell lies too. However the Arabic people new more about Jesus, so that is why they didn't accept Jesus as a prophet. This is the real story of the Jesus: Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary Man normal man take around 3 days to die in a cross but jesus took only 3-6 hours. An Uncle of Jesus saved the life of Jesus with his money: Joseph was a relative of Jesus; specifically, Mary's uncle Yuz Asaf (meaning “Leader of the Healed”/"Son of Joseph") - Suresh Wanayalae
This is how Muslims control their Muslim population: ~ Afghanistan – illegal (death penalty, although the U.S. and other coalition members have put pressure that has prevented recent executions) ~ Egypt – illegal (3 years' imprisonment) ~ Iran – illegal (death penalty) ~ Jordan – possibly illegal (fine, jail, child custody loss, marriage annulment) although officials claim otherwise, convictions are recorded for apostasy ~ Malaysia – illegal in five of 13 states (fine, imprisonment, and flogging) ~ Mauritania – illegal (death penalty if still apostate after 3 days) ~ Morocco – illegal to proselytise conversion (15 years' imprisonment) Only country not listed by Pew. ~ Oman – legal in criminal code, but according to the family code, a father can lose custody of his child ~ Pakistan – illegal (death penalty since 2007) ~ Qatar – illegal (death penalty) ~ Saudi Arabia – illegal (death penalty, although there have been no recently reported executions) ~ Somalia – illegal (death penalty) ~ Sudan – illegal (death penalty, although there have only been recent reports of torture, and not of execution) ~ United Arab Emirates – illegal (3 years' imprisonment, flogging) ~ Yemen – illegal (death penalty) - Suresh Wanayalae
Why don't Muslims see their violence and massive terrorism around the world.. BBS is just trying to protect Sri Lanka by without letting Muslim extremists to organize to do violence. In Thailand there are 90% Buddhists, but few Muslims in Thailand conducting highly violent terrorist activities against Buddhists.. Muslim extremists use some Islamic teachings to justify their terrorist activities, which they use to force and control people (Islam is NOT a Religion Of PEACE ? - By Banned Dr Zakir Naik
There are many terrorist groups in many Muslim countries, not only in non-Muslim countries, major terrorist groups are established in highly Muslim countries. Afghanistan and Somalia are also around 100% Muslim countries. - Suresh Wanayalae
More than 75% of all terrorist attacks in the world were carried out by Muslims, it is not a problem with nun-Muslims. It is a problem with Islam which encourage violence.. And also Muslims did terrorism from the beginning of Islam. Actions of Non-Muslims are not the reason for Muslims to create terrorist groups, actions of non-Muslims are generally harmless, but when Muslims have their own territories they create terrorist groups to take highly violent actions against nun-Muslims and even against some Muslims for being less Muslim (* One year ago schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen - her "crime", to have spoken up for the right of girls to be educated., * The Bravest Girl in the World ).. And Muslims have ready made terrorist groups in many Muslim countries where there are no non-Muslims. Actually they restricted or banned non-Muslim activities and even they have murdered or forced many nun-Muslims to convert to Islam since many centuries. but now it has reduced because they can't hide it from the world on highly developed telecommunication facilities of the modern world, and on the global rules of Human Rights with the influences from powerful non-Muslim nations.(1. * The Wahhabi sect does not tolerate other religious or ideological beliefs, Muslim or not. Religious symbols by Muslims, Christians, Jews and other believers are all banned. * Iran bans Buddha statues 2. Restriction on Apostasy (converts from Islam to another religion): * The concept and crime of Apostasy has been extensively covered in Islamic literature since 7th century. A person is considered apostate if he or she converts from Islam to another religion A person is an apostate even if he or she believes in most of Islam, but verbally or in writing denies of one or more principles or precepts of Islam. For example, if a Muslim declares that the universe has always existed, he or she is an apostate; similarly, a Muslim who doubts the existence of Allah, enters a church or temple, makes offerings to and worships an idol or stupa or any image of God, celebrates festivals of non-Muslim religion, helps build a church or temple, confesses a belief in rebirth or reincarnation of God, disrespects Qur'an or Islam's Prophet are all individually sufficient evidence of apostasy. * The Islamic law on apostasy and the punishment is considered by many Muslims to be one of the immutable laws under Islam. It is a hudud crime, which means it is a crime against God, * In numerous Islamic majority countries, many individuals have been arrested and punished for the crime of apostasy without any associated capital crimes. * The following nations treat apostasy under their criminal laws: ~ Afghanistan – illegal (death penalty, although the U.S. and other coalition members have put pressure that has prevented recent executions) ~ Egypt – illegal (3 years' imprisonment) ~ Iran – illegal (death penalty) More: 3. * Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment; [quran 16:106]. * The Prophet said, "The blood of a Muslim, who confesses that Lâ ilâha ill-Allâh (there is no god but Allâh), cannot be shed except in three cases: 1. Life for life; 2. A married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse; and 3. The one who turns renegade from Islâm (apostate) and leaves the group of Muslims. ) And some Muslims countries allow terrorist groups to do things which they can't do legally. Muslims create terrorist groups to put terror into the hearts of Non-Muslims to stop challenging Islam by showing faults in Islam and Muslims. - Suresh Wanayalae
Animal Slaughter - Animals do it to live, but some (animals) don't have a control:
Buddhism is the greatest religion in the world and in the universe. It explains about endless existence of living beings. Rebirth is now proven from many evidence of children and from scientific researches with the help of Hypnosis.. - 500 Enlightened (Arhat) Sri Lankan Buddhist Monks protected Budd… - Suresh Wanayalae
Fabric of the Cosmos is interconnected any change of a one place can effect another place without a time difference. (Quantum Mechanics - Fabric of the Cosmos - Part 3 So our thought and actions are connected to the entire universe. Therefor our actions are changing the fabric of the cosmos. That can react as Karma to bring us good and bad luck. - Suresh Wanayalae
According to Buddhism Heavens and Brahma worlds (realms) are arranged on the gravity of the earth, sun and galaxy: Duration of a Big bang and the periods of the world cycles: Kalpa (aeon) - About the concept of a permanent soulIf there is a permanent soul it must have a start. Causes and effects of this universe formed a soul, but it is not a permanent soul. So there is no soul in reality. Attachment is the creator which creates the soul/body, and then the soul/body creates Karma (causes). There is an active cosmic form/structure which we call a soul. If we remove the power (attachment/greed) from the form/soul we can deactivate that active form/soul. So then it becomes an inactive form, but it is not a living being or a soul, and it is just a cosmic energy formation (Rupa). So there is no soul. No need a person to enjoy Nirvana, because Nirvana is not a bliss to enjoy by a person. Nirvana is an inactive form (inactive cosmic structure). That inactive form is not a soul or a person. Permanent soul is a permanent existence, but permanent happiness is not possible, and permanent suffering is not possible. If you try to find preferment happiness, you will find both happiness and suffering. Nirvana is not a permanent happiness or suffering. Nirvana is a total inactivity of a cyclic process. According to Buddhism, "Naama" (Meaning like Naming. however how I understood is: It is the path which to "Roopa" (materials) moved. So it is like the data which is recorded on the fabric of the cosmos (space).) and "Roopa" (materials) are the two things which caused to create a living being (Vingnana). However, when it starts to function as a living being on the illusion, Vingnana (similar to thoughts/knowing) is the bond which keep Naama and Roopa connected to each other, and the Vinghana itself arise from Naama and Roopa, but because the Vingnana is unaware of the cause of it's existence (which is the attachment), it continue without stopping, even the Naama and Roopa change from time to time. To stop the prosses of the Vingnana we have to stop identifying ourselves as living beings (Removing the Sakkhaya Ditti), then it stops creating more Karma which requires to give a rebirth. Stream-Entering (Stop Identifying as a living being) is the easiest path for Buddhists to go to heaven to complete the path to Nirvana in a Heaven.
- Today
- Suresh Wanayalae
There are heavenly beings according to Buddhism, but they did not create universe. They are just another type of a living being who lives in a heavenly place where their mind created for them. There are Gods and Brahmas according to Buddhism. So the Buddhism is not an atheism. Heavens and Brahma worlds are impermanent. Don't follow the words, just try to understand the meaning. Mind is highly connected to the universe, so our conditions have effect to change the universe. So we are creating good and bad conditions. And our mind is changing the universe to make us suffer or happy.
- 26 January
- Suresh WanayalaeWATCH HOW DOCTORS HEAL A TUMOR WITH MEDITATION ALONE! : Braden - Quantum Healing of Tumour thru the Power of Thought & Feeling how Doctors heal a Tumor with Meditation alone!thespiritscience.netWe've been talking about how meditation and energy work can have a profound effect on the body and the mind, but this takes things to a whole new level. In this video below, chinese doctors actually practice a form of meditation as treatment for a Tumor...and by the end, the Tumor is gone! Don't was…